“I’m a photographer and writer based in West Sussex in the UK. A deep concern about the climate and environmental crisis informs much of my work. My practice is based on using photography to generate responses to the crisis. I see myself as an activist, following in the tradition of photographers who have used their work to campaign for justice.
My practice is based on three pillars:
Witness – The Earth is suffering greatly from the effects of a financial and economic system that demands constant, unsustainable growth and places no value on the natural processes that keep us alive. I seek to expose this suffering.
Rebellion – Many brave people across the world reject the toxic economic system and are engaged in active rebellion against it. They have my support and I will do all I can to amplify their efforts.
Wildness – Our food, water and oxygen come from the wild processes of the Earth. We came from wildness and when we forget this, we place ourselves in opposition to the Earth that sustains us. I wish to recover my connection to the wild and help others to do likewise.
I hold an MA in Photography from Falmouth University and am an Associate of the Royal Photographic Society (ARPS). My work appears in the news media, on commercial websites and in print. I frequently cover environmental events and protests.
The picture above shows me at Swanscombe Marshes in Kent. This former industrial site, is home to an extraordinary variety of wildlife, mainly birds and invertebrates. The site is under threat from the proposed London Resort theme park that would tear the heart out of this rewilded area. At the very least, sign the Buglife petition against this horrible and damaging development.
We are in a crisis and it’s time to choose life over profit”.